Get Started with Rust: A Beginner's Guide to the Powerful Programming Language

Get Started with Rust: A Beginner's Guide to the Powerful Programming Language

#1 Basic Installation: A Primer for Beginner Programmers


Programming language is an integral part of a developer. They are tools where you can create websites, software, and applications. However, sometimes it becomes overwhelming for a developer when choosing a wide range of programming languages. Some languages being popular than others, It can be difficult to choose a good one for your needs. In this guide, we'll discuss why learning rust is worth considering as well as how to get started with it!

What is Rust?

Rust is a statically-typed, compiled programming language that is designed to be fast, safe, and concurrent.

Rust is a programming language that was created by Mozilla in 2009. Rust shares many similarities with C++, but it also has some unique features that make it more powerful and efficient.

How is it better than other programming languages?

Rust believes in the trifecta of safety at compile time, concurrency it can execute multiple instructions at the same time and has blazingly fast speed

Consider ruby or python it guarantees safety but doesn't give concurrency or speed. Similarly, C and C++ give speed, and a bit of concurrency but no safety.

How to install rust language?

Before you are ready to get your hands dirty, you will need to make sure that you have a recent version of the Rust compiler installed on your system. The Rust compiler, also known as rustc, is the tool that will take your Rust code and turn it into an executable program.

To check if you already have Rust installed, open a terminal and enter the following command:

rust --version

If Rust is installed, you should see a message with the version number. If you do not have Rust installed, you can install it by following the instructions on the Rust website:

Once you have installed Rust, you can confirm that the installation was successful by running the following command:

cargo --version

Cargo is the Rust package manager, and it is installed alongside the Rust compiler. This command should display the version number of Cargo.

Don't worry will cover cargo in detail in the next article.

Congratulations, you have now installed Rust on your system! To start using Rust, you can create a new project using Cargo by running the following command:

cargo new hello

This will create a new directory called project with the basic files and directories needed for a Rust project. You can then navigate to the project directory and start writing Rust code.

cd hello

Hope this tutorial has helped you get started with Rust. With the Rust compiler and Cargo installed, you are now ready to dive into the world of Rust programming and build powerful and reliable applications.

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