Started to learn Rust

Hi, there this blog series is going to be related to my journey in rust ,This is a sort of documentation of my rust journey.

I will be referring Nathan stocks course on udemy (highly recommended)

I am linking github repo for exercises it is from nathan stocks udemy course


Rust is a systems language pursuing a trifecta;

safety concurrency and speed Which is guaranteed at compile time, fearless concurrency, which is a lot easier when things are safe and blazingly fast speed due to zero cost abstraction.

programming languages like python gives you safety but not concurrency or speed

On the other hand,

C and C++ gives a speed and some concurrency tools.

Where did rust came from?

It was developed by an engineer at Mozilla Graydon Hoare Mozilla started sponsoring rust officially in 2009 and version 1.0 was released in 2015.

The question now is why Mozilla started sponsoring a systems programming language Rust?

Because they were sick and tired of C++ and wanted a better language Firefox quantum in 2017 was written in rust which is twice as fast and less buggy thanks to rust.

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